FBI: North Korean Actors Readying Aggressive Cyberattack Wave
Source: Dark Reading
North Korean threat actors are expected to launch imminent attacks aimed at stealing funds from "organizations with access to large quantities of cryptocurrency-related assets or products," the FBI is warning.
Russian military hackers linked to critical infrastructure attacks
Source: Bleeping Computer
The United States and its allies have linked a group of Russian hackers (tracked as Cadet Blizzard and Ember Bear) behind global critical infrastructure attacks to Unit 29155 of Russia's Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (also known as GRU).
How Ransomware Groups Weaponize Stolen Data
Source: Data Breach Today
Ransomware gangs are becoming increasingly invasive and bold about how and what they weaponize. Compounding pressure for companies, they're not just stealing data and threatening to leak it - they're actively analyzing it for ways to maximize damage and create new opportunities for extortion.
AI Is Changing the Face of Fraud - and Fraud Fighting
Source: Info Risk Today
Criminals are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to change the face of fraud. In addition to horror stories such the finance worker who was tricked into paying out $25 million by an AI-based voice clone of a company director.
Veeam Releases Security Updates to Fix 18 Flaws, Including 5 Critical Issues
Source: The Hacker News
Veeam has shipped security updates to address a total of 18 security flaws impacting its software products, including five critical vulnerabilities that could result in remote code execution.